My headphones don’t (net)work!
My headphones don’t (net)work! avatar

A user called the IT helpdesk in a panic, complaining that their headphones weren’t working. I sighed. This was, after all, a very… ummmm… ‘sharp’ user we were talking about. After a few minutes of troubleshooting, I finally realized I would have to walk over to their desk and put eyes on the problem. As […]

Psychics R Us, you do it, we knew it!
Psychics R Us, you do it, we knew it! avatar

Got a voicemail from my Dad today whilst logged in remotely for $work. He said the internet connection was down and asked if it was because the contractors were digging to install the new fiber optic cable for the neighborhood he lives in, in advance of them switching over to the fiber optic carrier, and […]

First email chain of the day…
First email chain of the day… avatar

For several years, I’ve worked with a psychologist on her computer issues, as her previous IT support person left a lot to be desired. She’s very good in her field, but as far as computers, and sometimes even the laws of physics apparently, she could use a little polish. She emailed me this morning because […]

“V” Is… not so much for Victory, here
“V” Is… not so much for Victory, here avatar

Just got assigned a ticket by my (apparently) evil boss. Thought nothing of it until I read the ticket: ” My ā€œvā€ key on the Microsoft Keyboard thingy is not working. all the other keys work and I wanted to ask if it would be possible to replace just the one key? ” Wow. Just. […]