That was easy…
That was easy… avatar

This morning, I got woken up by a notification on my phone. I had hoped to sleep in today for the first Sunday in many weeks, but of course, true to form, that was not meant to be. It was an email from a client who couldn’t find a file on their computer after he switched over to the new O365 subscription. I gathered myself together, got ready for the day, and headed downstairs so I could remote into the client’s computer.

I called $client, and right away, he told me he wasn’t at his computer and would call me back in 15 minutes. He calls back and I find the file in short order in his Dropbox folder. He wonders how I managed to find the file so quickly, and I showed him how to do a search in File Explorer. He couldn’t find the file anymore because it wasn’t in his “Recent Files” in MS Word, so of course, he couldn’t find it, because he never bothered to learn to navigate folders in Windows, he just saved his files in whatever random location they’d save to over the years, and using the “Recent Files” as the sole way to find the files he needed.

1 thought on “That was easy…
That was easy… avatar

  1. I’ve seen this more than I care to recall. The other one I love is the ones that only learned how to use Word – so they open everything from Word. It’s not so much of a problem until they accidentally switch the view from “all files” to a specific one like “Word documents (.docx)”. Then we get a call from someone saying that all of their Adobe files are gone. It’s so hard not to laugh really hard out loud when they start opening Word in order to open a .pdf.

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