But it affects patient care!
But it affects patient care! avatar

Client: I need you to come fix this equipment ASAP. This affects patient care!

Me: How long has the equipment been down?

Client: Over a year now.

Me: And this is only now affecting patient care? Sorry, but it doesn’t meet the standards. We’ll get to you when we can.

5 thoughts on “But it affects patient care!
But it affects patient care! avatar

  1. This sounds SOOOOO familiar – except around here it’s usually an e-mail with copies to as many bosses as possible to try to make you look bad because, “I haven’t been able to do my job for (insert time frame here)!!!” If I don’t have a ticket in the help desk or at least an e-mail, you can go pound sand.

  2. BTW – if the admins add an image to this, I’d give half my vote for something medical (e.g., a frowny doctor or some such) and the other half for a stinking pile of b.s. – cuz that’s what they gave you.

  3. No worries about the picture. For some strange reason though, I can’t submit new posts. I log in, and as soon as I go to Submissions, the Site Admin immediately reverts to a Login.

    Also when I log in through the backend, it only allows me to upload Media and not post stories or anything…

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